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ClearCheck > 3 Reasons why your Organization Needs ClearCheck

1. Protect R&D's Most Valuable Asset

Business continuity is not just a buzzword. Time lost on fixing, scanning and analyzing ClearCase problems wastes time, money and energy which directly affect the company's bottom line.

ClearCheck implements:

  • Accurate reports - covers all possible errors so you know whether VOBs are healthy or not, and if not, what is wrong with them.
  • Preventive maintenance - identify and fix problems before they affect the work of end-users. Take a proactive support approach!

Many organizations experience 1-2 major ClearCase failures annually which may cost tens of thousands of dollars . Use our ROI Calculator to find out how much your organization stands to lose in case of a major failure.

Bottom line: risk reductions and high quality protection of a core asset - business continuity.

2. Save Time on a Routine Task

Checking that VOBs are functioning well takes a lot of time and effort:

  • Study IBM's recommendations for checks
  • Master checking tools and implement checks
  • Running checks takes an hour or more.

Working with ClearCheck ensures that the VOBs are always checked to the highest industry standard, no matter how busy the administrator team is.

Bottom line: the administrator can focus on core tasks - improved productivity.

3. Can't you do it Yourself?

Over 2 years of research and development have gone into creating the current version of ClearCheck. Yes, administrators can write scripts, but they will lack crucial features, including:

  • Actionable reports: ClearCheck reports clearly list problems and issues, unlike the unsorted, undifferentiated data returned by ClearCase checks
  • Software updates: IBM constantly adds more checks and possibilities to its recommendations. Only a dedicated team can keep track and update the product accordingly.
  • Performance: some checks require downtime. ClearCheck significantly reduces downtime and even allows the check to run online in certain configurations
  • Problem solving: for each problem found, ClearCheck recommends a solution with link to IBM documentation.

Bottom line: less investment, better product - money saving.

Trial version includes full functionality limited to 21 days

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ClearCheck has received "Ready for IBM Rational" validation. Read more

With ClearCheck we have an ongoing assurance that our ClearCase environment and VOBs are working properly. Instead of occasional manual checking which cost us money and added one more task to a busy schedule, we now get notice if there is a problem and exactly what it is. ClearCheck has made my job much easier

Evgeny Krassilshikov
Director of R&D, (formerly Mainsoft)

I'm using ClearCheck. It's so easy to use, and have great features! I've used it without any difficulty.

Ryota Okumura
Mitsubishi Electric Japan

The daily check results are legible and filtered out well. The solution suggestions are clear and simple, so even a junior ClearCase administrator can understand them easily.

Dvir Ekstein
Senior Configuration Management Expert, FIS Software

ClearCheck is very user friendly and enables ClearCase Admins to schedule dbcheck, checkvob and rgy_check easily and efficiently.

Jayanth S Vasisht
ClearCase Administrator, Intel Technology India

ClearCheck is a great tool for ClearCase admins. It takes a nagging routine task off my list and into an automatic tool that works really well. The reports are clear and useful: I see in an instant where I've got problems and what I need to take care of. Automating validity checks is a wonderful solution to make sure I'm not missing out on anything important that might go wrong.

Dor Anca
Linux & ClearCase Administrator

Using ClearCheck is very comfortable. I can start running it in a click and it runs automatically. The reports are gathered into my email account and I can read them and fix the reported problems when I get time for it.

Zeevik Liak
Configuration Manager and Automation Team Leader, Flash Networks

Great tool! Thank you so much! How do I get unlimited license?

Merav Etzyon
Configuration and Release Manager, N-trig Inc.