USA / Canada 866-503-1471
International +972-722-405-222
ClearCheck is very user friendly and enables ClearCase Admins to schedule dbcheck, checkvob and rgy_check easily and efficiently."
Jayanth S Vasisht, ClearCase Administrator, Intel Technology India
I'm using ClearCheck. It's so easy to use, and have great features! I've used it without any difficulty."
Ryota Okumura, Mitsubishi Electric Japan
With ClearCheck we have an ongoing assurance that our ClearCase environment and VOBs are working properly. Instead of occasional manual checking which cost us money and added one more task to a busy schedule, we now get notice if there is a problem and exactly what it is. ClearCheck has made my job much easier"
Evgeny Krassilshikov, Director of R&D, (formerly Mainsoft)
The daily check results are legible and filtered out well. The solution suggestions are clear and simple, so even a junior ClearCase administrator can understand them easily."
Dvir Ekstein, Senior Configuration Management Expert, FIS Software
ClearCheck is our way to monitor and prevent ClearCase problems and failures. We feel confident that our R&D team will always have the tools it needs, even if we don’t have an in-house ClearCase expert."
Elihaniv Hermon, IT Systems Administrator, Bio-Rad
ClearCheck helped us to verify that the ClearCase VOBs are healthy. We used it both before the ClearCase migration, on the old Windows server, and after the migration, on the new Linux server."
Zeevik Liak, ALM Leader, Flash Networks