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We Sponsor the “Smart Pilot” Event!

We gladly inform you that we will be both sponsoring and exhibiting at the “Smart Pilot” conference, on Monday February 8th, Avenue Park, Air-Port City, IL.

Smart Pilot
This event is intended for IT managers, developers and CIOs who would like to be introduced to the newest IT technologies for their companies.
At the event we will showcase our three new products, all plug-ins for Rational ClearCase that allow for better development  processes and more efficient use of ClearCase. These products successfully passed the authorization test “Ready for IBM Rational” by the IBM Innovation Center, USA.

If you are geographically distant from the location of the conference but interested in the materials presented, please send your email to info (at) and we will gladly send you the materials via email.

We’d be grateful if you could forward this information to managers in your companies who you believe might be interested in the conference. We recommend making an appointment with us for a private presentation at the conference, by replying to this email.
For more information on the conference:

    * Full Name

    * Work Email

    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?

      * Full Name

      * Work Email

      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?

        * Full Name

        * Work Email

        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

          * Full Name

          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?