ALMtoolbox Blog

How to Prevent Data Leaks if Hackers Get Access to your Database?


Every week we hear about the latest website to get hacked, and hackers getting access to another database with consumers’ personal data inside. Just in the last week there have been numerous reports of hacking, including stealing the medical records of 290,000 patients of the “Mor Medical Institute,” and releasing data of 1 million subscribers […]

What’s New in GitLab 14.4

GitLab 14.4 was released yesterday and we’ve just made two updated lists of GitLab features All NEW features (since June 2018) separated by editions, release, popularity, stages and more (so you can easily filter it out by your preferred criteria) ALL GitLab Features separate by editions, categories, documentation and more (so you can quickly find out what’s in one edition VS another edition) We made this automatically […]

Watch our Webinar: Getting the most out of Terraform and Terragrunt using env0

Next week we are hosting env0 company to discuss advance aspects of Infrastructure as code, CI/CD and provisioning in cloud computing. Webinar is free of charge (space is limited). Getting the most out of Terraform and Terragrunt using env0 and Ask me Anything We are hosting Tim Davis, DevOps Advocate at env0 Company, to discuss […]

What are Custom Fields and are there any in GitLab?

gitlab custom field

As you know, GitLab, among other things, offers Project Management / Issue Tracking capabilities. One of the capabilities that these areas lack in GitLab is custom fields – that is, the ability to add custom fields of our own to better describe the feature or bug. We came across a lot of clients who asked […]

Join our LIVE Webinar: End-to-end Database CI/CD with Jira, GitLab and DBmaestro

Next week we are hosting the CTO of DBmaestro to discuss different aspects of CI/CD for databases. Webinar is free of charge (space is limited) End-to-end Database CI/CD with Jira, GitLab CI and DBmaestro  We are hosting Yaniv Yehuda, CTO and Co-founder in DBmaestro Company, to discuss how you can utilize Jira, GitLab CI and DBmaestro […]

What’s New in GitLab 14.3

GitLab 14.3 was released yesterday and we’ve just made two updated lists of GitLab features All NEW features (since June 2018) separated by editions, release, popularity, stages and more (so you can easily filter it out by your preferred criteria) ALL GitLab Features separate by editions, categories, documentation and more (so you can quickly find out what’s in one edition VS another edition) We made this automatically […]

Database Dry Run with DBmaestro

dry run illustration

In this article we explain what is a database dry run and how DBmaestro can help you get the most out of it.   What is “Dry Run” Every DBA knows the concerns when it is time to deploy to production. Will it work? Will it break something? Nobody wants to fix bugs while the […]

Vault HCP Cloud VS Vault Enterprise


As you probably know, a few months ago HashiCorp started offering the popular Vault product as a managed service in the cloud (known as “Vault HCP” or Vault Cloud), until then this had  only been offered as an on-premises product – Vault OSS and Vault Enterprise. We recently (in response to questions from our customers) […]

What’s New in GitLab 14

gitlab all new features

GitLab 14 was recently released and we’ve made two unique lists of GitLab features: All New Features in GitLab 14 All NEW features (since June 2018) separated by editions, release, popularity criteria, stage, video and more, so you can easily filter it out by your preferred criteria ALL GitLab Features ALL GitLab Features separate by editions, categories, documentation and more (so you can […]

Join our Webinar: Introducing Vault Cloud (HCP)

We hosted Jonathan Vermeulen, Senior Solutions Engineer in HashiCorp Company, to discuss about Vault and give you the chance to ask questions about Vault and HashiCorp’s latest SaaS offering. Vault Cloud (HCP) offers ease of use, no management, faster time to value, flexibility and utilizing Vault as a Service. It’s eventually the same functionality of […]

Building Infrastructure using Terraform

hashicorp terraform logo

Here are two real use cases where we helped our customers to build “Infrastructure as Code” using Terraform. 1. Customer from segment of energy saving and IoT The customer has a web application build using GitLab CI. The customer uses AWS as an infrastructure with Cloud front, S3, Route 53 and external DNS provider. They […]

Join our Webinar: What’s New in HashiCorp Vault

Next week we are hosting HashiCorp company to discuss different aspects of using Vault effectively. Webinar is free of charge. Introducing Vault 1.7, Vault Cloud and “Ask Me Anything” (April 21th at 11AM CEST)   We are hosting John Boero, Solution Engineer in HashiCorp Company, to discuss about Vault and give you the chance to […]

New Recording: HashiCorp Nomad Webinar

HashiCorp Nomad

Last week we hosted John Boero from HashiCorp company, who presented what’s new in Nomad (for about half an hour) and also answered questions asked about the product (for about another half hour). A total of 5 questions were asked and he managed to answer them all! We added the questions at the end of […]

New Recording: Terraform Webinar


Last week we hosted John Boero from HashiCorp company, who presented what’s new in Terraform and also answered questions asked about the product. A total of 10 questions were asked and he managed to answer them all! We added the questions at the end of this post. We edited the recording and also added subtitles […]

New Recording: Consul Webinar

consul webinar

Last week we hosted John Boero from HashiCorp company, who presented what’s new in Consul (for about half an hour) and also answered questions asked about the product (for about another half hour). A total of 8 questions were asked and he managed to answer them all. We added the questions at the end of […]

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    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?

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      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?

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        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

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          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?