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New Integration Between GitLab and Jira

new gitlab jira integration

We are expanding our spectrum of GitLab and Jira integration solutions and present a new option for self-hosted GitLab instances:
to detect an event in GitLab and to perform whatever action you want.

This option can have a number of uses. For example:

  • If a commit was pushed to a GitLab repository and the commit’s message includes the following words:

    Assign ALM-49 @alex
    then Jira issue ALM-49 will be moved to status “Assigned” and user alex will become the assignee.
    The video clip below shows how it works.
  • Similarly, you can trigger a Jira issue status transition, when a GitLab Merge Request (MR) is created or merged.
  • You can set in motion the whole Jira issue workflow:
    E.g., a GitLab commit can move the issue for “Backlog” to “In Work”;
    then when you create an MR, that issue is transitioned to “In Testing”;
    and finally when you merge the MR, the issue is moved to “Closed”.
    Together with your GitLab administrator, you can define reserved words to trigger the desired transitions.
  • And of course, one can think of more scenarios. For example, if you mention a Jira issue in a commit message, then the names of files changed in that commit will be written in the issue.

Using that capability we can also build various GitLab automations not necessarily related to Jira.

Here are a few ideas:

  • On each commit send an email to predefined addressees with the list of modified files.
  • Build a list of critical files, and send an email if one of them was changed.
  • Count the number of lines changed between two last commits, also counting how many lines were added/deleted/modified.
    This feature may be useful as a QA metric and sometimes also for meeting regulation requirements.
  • Do any of the above actions only if the commit was done on the master branch (or any predefined branch; you can also use regular expressions to define which branches will trigger an action and which will not).

Actually, for any use case, we can build for you a tailor-made automation, matching exactly  your specifications.

The short video demo (1 min.):

You can view it on the full screen by pressing the button

Please note:

Self-hosted GitLab does provide a Jira integration, but it is very basic:

  1. Mention of a Jira issue in a commit or an MR creates a link to that issue
  2. Mention of a Jira issue in a commit or an MR accompanied by reserved words Fixes/Closes/Resolves closes that issue.

However, nobody provides such a variety of capabilities for self-hosted GitLab like one which we propose and which is described above. 

Please also note that our solution is possible both for the regular GitLab Omnibus installation and for the Docker installation.

Do you need a similar solution aligned to your needs?
Contact us for more information: devops@almtoolbox.com or call us +972-722-405-222 / 866-503-1471

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