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ALMtoolbox Partner Program

The ALMtoolbox Partner Program is for consultants or consulting groups that have became trusted advisers to their customers in the areas of SCM with Rational ClearCase, ClearQuest or Jenkins. Our partners are recognized as experts in their field and participate in discussions with the ALMtoolbox team relative to market developments and strategic direction of ALMtoolbox and relevant technologies.

Partners can optionally be compensated based on the successful introduction of ALMtoolbox to their customers.

An introductory session with the technical and marketing teams will be scheduled to ensure familiarity with the ALMtoolbox  and Rational ClearCase technologies. Assistance, as required, will be available to support the introduction of ALMtoolbox to nominated customers. Partners have the option to offer their customers a full-featured trial version.

Finally, there are marketing opportunities that consulting partners can benefit from, including guest blogging and webinars, presence on the ALMtoolbox website and potential introduction to prospective and current ALMtoolbox users that are in need of specialist services.

For more information, please email partners@almtoolbox.com and specify your company name or agency, your expertise, your phone number and any other information that could be relevant.

    * Full Name

    * Work Email

    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?

      * Full Name

      * Work Email

      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?

        * Full Name

        * Work Email

        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

          * Full Name

          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?