Have you ever asked yourself what changes have been made since your stream was rebased to the recommended baseline?
Sometimes you rebase your private stream to an integration stream or its recommended baseline. You complete the operation (or havn’t yet), sometimes it requires some merging, and then you encounter new problems: compilation is failed, new bugs or run time errors, build is broken and so on. Here’s a new approach of coping with that problem. The following solution assumes that you use CompBL, A ClearCase plug-in.
- Lanuch CompBL and select “Two streams” and relevant PVOB
- Select your integration stream (you may select the recommended baseline)
- Select your private stream
- Press “Get Report”
Relevant buttons are yellow-marked in the following screenshot:
To get all change-set, choose “include versions” and specify your view.
That’s all procedure!
To download a trial version of CompBL: https://www.almtoolbox.com/compbl