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Free GitLab SaaS ( will be Limited to 5 Users

Recently GitLab company has announced that the Free tier of GitLab SaaS (also known as “gitlab dot com”)
will have a limit of 5 users per Namespace (**) beginning June 22, 2022.

gitlab logo

That means that if you use free tier and you have more than 5 users – you have to get ready and decide your next steps!

What You Could Do?

Here are some of your options:

  1. Move to one of the paid editions – Premium or Ultimate. You can contact us to learn more about the differences
  2. Consider the Ultimate edition and use an unlimited number of “Guest” users. Guest users have limited permissions yet you may find it good enough
  3. Move to Free self-hosted GitLab (this allows you to use as many as free users you need). We can help you with migration and support.

There are more options (depends on your environment and your organization) – contact us for further info

Any questions? Need to know pricing or get a quote?

You can always contact us and we will be happy to answer: or 866-503-147 (USA / Canada) or +972-722-240-5222 (International).
We are ALM-Toolbox, the official partner of GitLab in Europe and worldwide. We provide GitLab consulting, migration, help customers decide the best fit licenses, private hosting, quality and fast support, GitLab add-on development and we support and sell a variety of DevSecOps and ALM tools.

** What’s a GitLab Namespace ?

A namespace is a unique name for a user, a group, or subgroup under which a project can be created. Click here to learn more.


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